We planned to film on Saturday 19th March 2011 at 6pm. We all met in Ongar high street to film on the street for the first scene. The first scene had been filmed and we wanted to watch it back but found out the camera had broken and the head needed cleaning which means it won’t let us watch any footage back and we were unable to tell if anything had actually recorded. As one of our group members (Charlotte Mackenzie) had an iPhone 4 we decided to film a scene on that to see how it turned out. The quality of the recording was good but we would not have been able to edit on there and this would have been a massive problem later on. We then went to our second location, which was the public toilets but they were locked. Our third location was a bedroom and one of our members (Alex Fresco) lived very near the locations, so that scene was easy to film. As the rest of the filming did not work we didn’t want to film one scene as we are going to use other actors if we did not get all the filming done that day as the actors we used cannot get any time off school.
We have planned to next try and film Wednesday 23rd March 2011 after school in the original location in King Georges in Brentwood. This worked successfully, with each scene being shot a few times so we could choose the best one when it came to editing, we did not have any major interruptions either. However with our main actor having to go at half 5 for college we could not complete all of our filming on this day, therefore we kept and uploaded the footage onto the school system, and completed the rest of the scenes needed on Tuesday 28th March 2011 straight after school.
Here, on Wednesday 23rd March 2011. Rachel is completing Alex's make-up ready for filming, and in order to complete filming to a high standard. Black make-up around the eyes was used to show abnormality.
I needed to make Alex look messed up and to make her look weak and basically dead. I used black eye shadow to make her eyes look deeper and i put white powder over he face to make her like ghostly and ill. I also put blood on her top to make it look like she had been cut and that she still has the wounds that killed her. I also put black make up round her face and on her arms to make her look dirty. This look was important to the shooting because we needed her not to look 'normal' or real.